Wednesday 22 August 2012

Why I decided to move from a 9-to-5 employee to a Business Owner

Hope you had a smooth drive to work and did not get stuck in the traffic. Even if you were stuck or had some rash driver cut across you please stop fuming as it will only increase your blood pressure and is bad for our health.

Instead take a deep breath and relax.

Well it’s easy to advice you would say. You are absolutely right. Till some time back I used to be in the above situation, stuck in the horrendous Bangalore traffic. I would be sitting there cursing and fuming. That led to lot of stress at work and home and also multiple health problems.

Now I am a relaxed person as I have pulled myself out of that chaos and routine 9-5 job which never ended at 5 but would go well beyond. I now lead a life on my terms.

I am sure all of us want to get out of this rat race but peer pressure and compulsions stop us from looking for alternatives. In fact we get so engrossed in the daily grind that we don’t even have the time to think and miss other more rewarding opportunities.

If you would like to know what helped me take the decision to pull out of the rat race, please check out my previous posting or click Smart Media Magazine .

Wishing you all the best in all your endeavours.

In my next posting I will be sharing the secret of success of the wealthy people and how we can make a transition.

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