Monday 27 August 2012

The Success Mantra: Mental Shift

Hi Friends. Welcome back.

Let me start by addressing the two questions I asked in the previous post.

How easy was it for you to come up with a figure? Seriously we never think in those lines. Believe me if we don’t have a goal we can never achieve it. Our sub-conscious brain is very powerful. It records these auto-suggestion and acts on it.

For example if you have to get up early to take a morning train or flight. Before going to sleep you tell yourself “I have to wake up at 4AM tomorrow” and then proceed to set the alarm as well. But more often than not you wake up before the alarm goes off. This happens to all of us? So who woke you up? That’s the subconscious mind at work. So if you have come up with a figure I would like to congratulate you as you have taken the first step towards achieving your goal.

Coming to the second question, this again is something to which we don’t give much thought and think we have our entire lifetime to achieve what we want without quantifying. This is another reason for people failing to achieve their goals. This figure would vary for each one of you depending on your age and the hours you put in per day.

Let’s take an example to illustrate the above. Let’s assume John has a target of earning USD50 million. Let us assume John works 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. He doesn’t take any holidays so works all the 52 weeks in a year. Assuming he works for 40 years lets multiply 10hrs x 5 days x 52 weeks x 40 years. The result we get is 104000 hours. This is a very realistic figure as we have assumed John does not take any holidays or sick leave for the entire duration of 40 years.

Has this ever occurred to you that in your entire life time you have only about 100000 hours to earn? In our example if John has to earn 50 million he has to earn at the rate of USD 500/hour. How many of us earn at this rate? Does it mean we don’t have the right to dream big?

Absolutely not, everyone has the right to dream big and should dream big.

So achieving our dream as an Employee or Self Employed is next to impossible although I agree there are exceptions but a very small percent.

The solution is to get to the right side of the quadrant.

Easier said than done, you would say. You are absolutely right. So what does it take to get from the left to the right quadrant?

The answer in short is “Mental Shift”. What do I mean by that is we often hold back because of our own mental block. So as first step we need to change the way we think. Let me elaborate.

Right from the day one we started our education/learning process we have been taught “not to make mistakes”.  So right from the childhood we are fed on not making mistakes and not failing. Smallest mistake is punished and failures looked down upon. So this builds a fear psychosis and we are always afraid of committing errors. A safety first attitude dominates our personality. Fear of failure holds us back. So when we set out to do a task we tell our selves “I should not commit any mistakes”. But the subconscious brain does not understand negative suggestions. It only understands the action words “commit” and “mistake”. So invariably we commit mistakes. Instead if we had said “I will complete this task successfully”, the thought process is positive and we succeed.

So we need to educate our self emotionally not to fear committing mistakes. It’s not a crime to commit mistakes. But not learning from mistakes is a crime. It’s smart to learn from others mistakes also but this is not always true. For example you can see lot of kids falling when learning to ride a bicycle but you can’t learn until you yourself have had a fall.

We often say that the successful people have been at the Right Place at the Right Time. Sincerely if each one of us looks back in our lives, we have all been at the Right Place at the Right Time at some point in our lives. So, why only a few have made it big?

That’s because having realized they are at the Right Place at the Right Time they have done the third step right.  The successful people have taken All Out Massive Action. Here again the fear of failure holds us back.

We must have all seen that circus elephant tied to a chain  If it wants it can break free but it never tries. That’s because as a calf it had tried very hard and was not able to break free. So mentally it gave up that it is not possible for me and doesn’t try.(Good observation.Yes you are right, the picture posted above is that of a horse).

We human being are worse in the sense that we have heard of someone failing at something and take that as an excuse not to try it ourselves. The second reason we don’t take action is because of fear of being laughed at. The question is “Why should I give up my dream just because someone is going to laugh at me?”.  I call these people dream stealers who don’t have the courage to take up anything new and at the same time discourage others.

I will let you digest this for the moment. Catch you soon.

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