Tuesday 28 August 2012

Traditional Business or Network Marketing?

Hello Friends. Welcome back.
Hope you have gone through the previous postings and agree that to give yourself a realistic chance to achieve your life’s goal you need to be in the right quadrant of Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow quadrant we discussed earlier.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to say that money is everything but even to give back to the society or aid a charity or help the under privileged we need money. I promise to deal with this aspect in more detail in a later discussion to avoid digressing from the current chain of thought. 
To be in the right quadrant we either need to be a Businessman or Investor. We can safely assume that ‘Investor’ option is ruled out (sorry if I upset anybody). So the only option is to be a Businessman.
We have a choice of being in Traditional Business or Network Marketing Business.
How easy or how tough it is to be a businessman and be as successful as say, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs or Michael Dell?
Let’s look at the Traditional Business first.
You will agree it is not easy for an average person because it needs:
1.             Capital:  A reasonably large Capital upfront for the office set up, employee salaries, inventory cost etc.  The amount depends upon the nature of the business. You can have a rough idea from the fact that to set up a small corner shop can set you back by a few thousand dollars. 

2.             Advertising Cost: To promote and sustain a new start up for long term, you need to invest in advertising. An advert in the newspaper, a TV ad for few seconds or banners/hoardings can cost you a fortune.

3.             Fixed Costs: Ongoing monthly cost like rent, salary etc can’t be avoided irrespective of business happening or not

4.             Return on Investment: Average year-on-year return in businesses world over is about 15-18%. So to just breakeven it would take more than 5 years. From that point on the ROI depends on the type of business, location, management, competition and a host of other factors.

5.             Time and Effort: To build a successful business one need to be virtually 24x7 in the initial years.
 How different is Network Marketing? 
1.             Capital:  A very low startup cost. In a physical product based company there would be an ongoing cost of buying products every month. There are many online businesses where expense is one time.

2.             Advertising Cost: This is minimal and would be a very insignificant fraction of the cost of the traditional business.

3.             Fixed Costs: Virtually zero fixed costs

4.             Return on Investment: As the investment is not too big the capital is recovered in a much shorter period of time. Running cost being virtually zero, all earning from that point onward is profit.

5.             Time and effort: 10-15 hours per week should be good enough. Have the benefit of working from home and also to choose when to work.
I will leave you with this 10mins video of Burke Hedges Pablo and Bruno in the Parable of a Pipeline. I will let the video do the talking. Till next time. 
Please click on the link below.

Parable of a Pipeline

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